Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Other Side of The Story

Since a couple of disgruntled ex-employees are publishing unsubstantiated outrageous allegations on their blog and not allowing any meaningful rebuttal we offer this Blog to tell our side of the story.

These Blog-writing expat managers are the ones who totally screwed up P-45 #3, #5 and #6, causing us to already pay out over $250,000 to remedy their faulty building practices and pay huge warranty claims which were caused by their incompetence .....many of the entire systems had to be rebuilt from scratch... The bottom-line is that Jack trusted that the Expats knew what they were doing and paid them steadily for many years while they sat on their butts and played video games on their computers most of the time....when the major build-problems surfaced, their compensation was slowed down/withheld because Jack intended to make them suffer for their gross mistakes. They are making these heinous allegations because they know they totally screwed-up the 45's and were going to screw up the 72's (if we hadn't fired them) and they figure "a good defense is a strong offense"....They are bitter and trying everything to get back at us and ruin our business. The coward who is writing this blog won't even identify's all anonymous.

We also had three buyers of boats being built in the Thai factory unilaterally stop making their contractually-agreed progress payments mainly because of the lax Thai/Expat work ethic (at 5:00pm there wasn't ever an Expat in sight...they were long gone) ... so, when the Buyers stopped paying with no explanation or pre-advice, we slowed down the work on their boats and tried to renegotiate their deals. One buyer just didn't answer us when we gave him two chances to remedy the default, as the contract calls for, and he has been declared contractually in default (he's the one going to court in February with no hope of winning because he was clearly in default) ...another buyer was making changes to his 72 every day which, as all experienced boat builders know, really disrupts the build-process and he wasn't happy that we weren't letting him continue this, so he wanted to act as his own general contractor and we allowed him to do this...the other buyer who defaulted on payments is also finishing his boat on his own...

Yes, Thailand/Concordia is a mess and that is why we don't plan to sell any more yachts there....we only want to build in Zhuhai because the Chinese work-ethic is so much better. Zhuhai is a different world....The yachts WILL get done in China and this is what we are now focusing on...