Thursday, November 19, 2009

Response to Insider

Dear "Insider"
Your claim that I am defaming ex staff members is ridiculous looking at what you have allowed to be posted on this blog, I have been involved with all of these "ex staff members" through the P45 process and can substantiate my statements and will be happy to expose the incredible lack of professionalism and care that was displayed by you guys. It is all documented and if one or more of you want to come out of the woodwork to debate it I am prepared to have that debate in a public forum. Your claim that commissions are paid at signature is also incorrect and shows your lack of knowledge of this industry, commissions are paid at closing, just so that you know, and your insinuation that there is any wrong doing is baseless but of course it plays to your agenda which has nothing to do with fact. The monetary damages inflicted on Concordia by your non actions and lack of performance have a lot to do with the current situation in Thailand, if the P45's had been built to schedule and to any reasonable standard then they would have all closed long ago and the money would have been collected. Instead you guys did not deliver on time and the boats that we finally managed to get out of you were so badly done that they have cost hundreds of thousands to put right. Of course the old expat mantra - it was not my fault or responsibility it was some other party who caused the problem - will no doubt be chanted as usual. If you want to hang out the dirty laundry make sure that it is ALL hung out and not just what you feel is relevant. Please refer to my recent posting, which is posted as a response to a posting in March 2009 as pointed out by you. As an insider you are no doubt aware that every single one of my customers visited the Thailand factory met the management team and were as satisfied as I was that the boats could be delivered which you fail to point out in your post. Furthermore I was not aware that management and staff had not been paid up until and including my last visit to the factory in December, which was when the last buyer visited the factory. No boats have been sold out of Thailand after the buyer who was there in December. You guys have been very successful with this blog and have caused not only Concordia but also all the companies as well as individuals involved substantial and quantifiable damages. I have had sight of documents which are quite compelling that contradict a lot of postings on this blog but I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around and you guys are certainly not blameless in this mess.

Stephen Cockcroft
804 815 5054